Tag Archives: Pinterest

Homemade Candles


Another installment of what I “borrowed” from Pinterest.

My MIL loves candles and mugs, so when I found this on Pinterest I knew I needed to make them for her for Christmas.

This project was ubber easy, super cheap and lots of fun.

First things first make a trip to your local thrift store and pick up a few fun tea cups like these.

They are very inexpensive and there are always lots to choose from.

Now you have a couple of choices when it comes to the wax you use.  You can either buy wax from a local craft store or melt down candles you already have.  I did a combination of both.

I bought 1lb of wax from Hobby Lobby and this was enough to do do cups.  I also had a lot of tealights that I never use so I melted down a bunch of those as well and that was enough for the other two cups.

You can buy a special can to melt wax in, but I just used a soup can from dinner the night before.  Place the can with the wax in a pot of water on the stove and begin to heat the pot.  I heated on medium because I did not want the water to boil but for it to get hot enough to melt the wax.

While the wax is melting you need to put wicks in the cups.  Try and make sure they are in the center so that the candles will burn properly.  I just attached the wick to the bottom of the cup with a little masking tape.  Make the wick longer than you really need and wrap the excess wick around a pen/pencil and let it rest on top of the cup.  These keeps your wick upright while the wax hardens around it.

Once your wax melts add what ever smell you would like to the wax.  You can pick of the essential oil at any craft store.  I went with cranapple spice.  Just add enough to get the intensity of smell you desire.

Then pour the hot wax into each of the cups and let it cool.  I did not time this but when I came back to them a couple of hours later they had cooled and hardened.

Once the wax melts you will notice that the wax caves in a good bit.  You will then need to add more melted wax to fix this.  I just melted a little more wax and added about another inch of wax to each cup.  When that wax dries it will be smooth across the top.

From this point all you have to do is cut the wick down to size and you are done.

I thought these turned out so well I also made a candle for my mother in a fun new mug so she could use the mug after the candle melted. For her present I paired it with a box of tea and some Honey Vanilla Spoons

A Pinterest Christmas


I am not a naturally “crafty” person.

I want to be one but it just does not come naturally to me.

I can not look at a box of buttons and find inspiration.

What I can do is look at Pinterest and find inspiration for that box of buttons.

Well, what I do is completely steal someone else’s idea and use it as my own 🙂

Pinterest has allowed me to become “crafty”!

Several of my Christmas decorations and gifts this year came from Pinterest.

I will be posting tutorials later for a couple of projects, but for now here are a few pictures to give you an idea as to what my December looked like.

My version of this

 Candy Cane garland

 Yarn Wreath

 Ornaments in the window

 Honey Vanilla Spoons

 Homemade candles